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General characteristics of Sonneratia Caseolaris

Sonneratia caseolaris, commonly known as mangrove apple, is a species of plant in the family Lythraceae . The fruit is noted for its outward similarity to the persimmon fruit.

Firstly, SC is widespread in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Malaysia, the Phillipines, Myanmar, Thailand, Northeastern Australia, and Papua New Guniea, etc…

SC has another name as apple mangrove, and average height from 10m – 15m, and even at 20m – 25m, diameter at 50cm.

Its flower stalks are 0,5 – 1,5 cm long, and flowers usually grow a cluster of 2.3 flowers at the tip of the branches. The inner surface of the calyx is slightly pinkish purple while the outside is green. Each flower has 6 petals. Flowers bloom in March - May at dusk with a mliky smell, and fade overnight.

The fruit is edible and start ripen from August.

The root grows very big and forms around the trees. It has four shapes including cable root, pneumatophore root, feeding root), and anchor root.

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