Huy Luu
6 weeks at MangLub VN are definitely unforgettable for me, with all the moment I had and all the experiences I have gained. During my time here, I learned more important skills, and knowledge through team work, basic thing sthat I need to know. Even though I still have flaws, I do believe that I can find a way to fix it, one way or another.

As a former intern myself, here’s something worth noting: need good background skills (Microsoft Words, Excel, Power Point). Facing difficulties? Just take your time and slowly solve it, or just simply ask for help, we are all still learning after all. And remember: don’t give up, and always try your best!

Don’t forget, you still have a long way to go, and have a lot more to learn. I hope that my advice could come in handy for you all, and the rest is up to you. Good luck, and wish you the best.